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As To Diseases, Make A Habit Of Two Things—
To Help, Or At Least,
To Do No Harm


Revolutionizing the Diagnosis of Adverse Reactions To Foods

Adverse Reactions To Foods have become a significant public health concern.  A recent study suggested that at least 10.8% (>26 million) of US adults are food allergic, whereas nearly 19% of adults believe they have a food allergy.  Moreover, food allergy affects ∼8% of US children.   


In a recent study, >11% of children were perceived as food-allergic, suggesting that the perceived disease burden may be more significant than previously acknowledged.  Further complicating matters is the notable observation in previous studies that most adverse reactions to foods are food intolerances rather than food allergies.  Food intolerance can cause some of the same signs and symptoms as a food allergy—the confusion between the two leads to the perception of food allergy in many subjects. 


clinLGX Digital Solutions creates a ecosystem that is well-positioned to improve patient care, management, and outcomes of patients suffering from adverse reactions to foods through the deployment of the latest in data science technologies. 

Improving Clinical Decisions Digitally

The RU_ Allergic? Clinical Decision Support Tool helps

clinicians to:

  1. Predict and differentiate foods allergies and food intolerances in minutes

  2. Validate symptoms (ICD-10 Codes) that are acceptable for reporting purposes to ensure clinically necessary testing (CPT Codes)

  3. Decide on a treatment plan in a timely manner.

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The Costliness
of Time

A review of 2018 data suggests that most U.S. physicians spend between 13 and 24 minutes with patients. About 1 in 4 spend less than 12 minutes, and roughly 1 in 10 spend more than 25 minutes. All in all, it seems like doctor-patient time isn't changing substantially. clinLGX Digital Solutions allows doctors and patients to work together in a time-effective manner to make decisions and select tests, treatments, and care plans based on clinical evidence that balance risk and expected outcomes.

Our Partners

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